
A Black-box Approach for Non-stationary Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Haozhe Jiang, Qiwen Cui, Zhihan Xiong, Maryam Fazel, Simon S Du
Published on ICLR 2024

Can we track Equilibria in non-stationary Multi-agent systems? We comprehensively analyze this problem and find most non-stationary bandit algorithms fail to generalize. In multi-agent systems, different actions compete with different best responses. This forbids us from comparing actions by comparing their own rewards, sabotaging all test-based algorithms. We solve this problem by using an Explore-then-Commit-then-Test algorithm, in combination with prior techniques. This black-box algorithm is simple but admits a no-regret guarantee.

Offline Meta Reinforcement Learning with In-Distribution Online Adaptation

Jianhao Wang*, Jin Zhang*, Haozhe Jiang, Junyu Zhang, Liwei Wang, Chongjie Zhang
Published on ICML 2023

Why is it hard to do offline meta-learning? We point out that the meta-learning setting induces a new type of distribution shift between offline training and online adaptation. We characterize this challenge and propose IDAQ, a simple greedy context-based algorithm to tackle this problem.

Practically Solving LPN in High Noise Regimes Faster Using Neural Networks

Haozhe Jiang*, Kaiyue Wen*, Yilei Chen

Can we break the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem with Neural Networks? Empirically, we find out that when the noise is high, neural networks are particularly useful. We corroborate this observation by proving that the sample complexity of some neural networks scales optimally with the noise. This is the first neural-network-based algorithm surpassing all classical counterparts in breaking cryptographic primitives.

Offline congestion games: How feedback type affects data coverage requirement

Haozhe Jiang*, Qiwen Cui*, Zhihan Xiong, Maryam Fazel, Simon S Du
Published on ICLR 2023

If we want to learn Nash Equilibrium in congestion games, what offline dataset should we have? By looking at dataset coverage in facility space instead of action space, we find out the minimal dataset coverage requirement. We also present efficient learning algorithms and demonstrate the separation of coverage requirements under different feedback models.

Offline reinforcement learning with reverse model-based imagination

Jianhao Wang*, Wenzhe Li*, Haozhe Jiang, Guangxiang Zhu, Siyuan Li, Chongjie Zhang
Published on NeurIPS 2021

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. How to learn RL policy generalizing from offline datasets while avoiding dangerous actions? We propose to learn a reverse dynamic model instead of a forward one. If a forward model goes wrong, the learned policy may take dangerous actions. If a reverse model goes wrong, the agent still acts safely because it could not start at the wrong reversed state in the first place.